Saturday, October 27, 2007

how about a little Technorati?

Just posting to "stake my claim" to this blog for technorati.

Click this link, Technorati Profile, to see my Technorati profile.

One thing (of billions) I'm missing from my portfolio of new media skills are all the technorati & digg style link sites. I'll be working to correct that. ;-)


Minute Tech Submitted to iTunes this a.m...

FYI: Minute Tech has been posted to the iTunes site catalogue this morning. Let's see how that boosts stats in Google Analytics. :-)

Minute Tech 015: What is a Help Menu?

Where have all the podcasts gone?

No, seriously, there are some excellent podcasts out there, some of which I listen to and some of which I hear about newly each week, variously from Twitter posts, other podcasts or the blog/websites related to those podcasts. Today, I talk about two extant podcasts, MacCast and This Week in Media, but also lament the potential fade of VentureCast, an excellent random walk down Sandhill Road.

The outline for this Sat/Sun podcast:

- GIMP 2.4 loosed on the world;
- What is a Help menu?
- MacCast; TWiM’s Ninja; VentureCast?

Go to my iWeb page to subscribe or listen to this podcast: Minute Tech.
