Sunday, December 2, 2007

Minute Tech 042: Why Do I Like This Book?

Researching this podcast was fun (as they all are), though I wasn't sure what the main topic would be right away. I'm surrounded at home by books...but often us humans can't see the forest for the trees. I'm trying to help clean up around here, and I was searching for a gift for Larry, who's my long-time tai chi teacher and friend. The Light on Yoga book has been lurking around for many years...and while I want very much to read it...I also want very much to read many books. So, the best thing to do with top quality books that you know won't get read? Give them to somebody who you know will, uh, encourage you to make use of the contents! :-)

For the show today:

- iClone meets iPhone, and Columbus bumps the AMS;
- Why Do I Like This Book?
- leads to a web journey.

Go to the Minute Tech iWeb page to subscribe or listen to this podcast: Minute Tech.

Show Notes