Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Minute Tech 053: Is Text the Best Communications Medium?

- A Galaxy Gets Cooked, FireWire Heats Up, & Late Night Warms Up;
- Is Text the Best Communications Medium?
- What's a Ninja Crayon, and what's in a Logo?

Go to the Minute Tech iWeb page to subscribe or listen to this podcast: Minute Tech.

Interstitial music by Apple & Bre Pettis

Show Transcript


Minute Tech 052: Is Your Voice the Best Communications Medium?

- Twitter Takes a Break, & Pew Spews Percentages;
- Is Your Voice the Best Communications Medium?
- Minute Tech Blog Seeks Redesign.

Go to the Minute Tech iWeb page to subscribe or listen to this podcast: Minute Tech.

Interstitial music by Apple & Bre Pettis
Show Transcript
