Thursday, November 1, 2007

Am I a "media" company?

Check out Jeremiah Owyang's checklist for corporate media strategy in his So you're a "Media" Company now post. Admittedly, a podcast does not a company make...but at what point does a publishing push like this begin to blur between a personal outlet for ideas and style and a company-like push for attention in the global media industry? At this point I have not desire to make this a "corporate entity", but I'm pursuing many of the things that could:

  • A regular push of informational content into the world's marketplace;
  • Pursuing the collection of statistics via Google Analytics;
  • Developing and pushing the podcast "brand" into many of the social media markets;

      Three of Jeremiah's points:
    • Do you have a strategy? Let’s start with the start. Why create media? What story are you trying to tell? Don’t just do this because it’s hot, understand how it can impact your company.
    • What story are you telling? Sometimes, media doesn’t have to be just a product demo, but could ‘go up a level’ and tell a story. Relate to your customers life style, understand and relate to how they work and live, rather than just push features.
    • Got legs? Does your player of media (audio/video/webcast/powerpoint/images) have ‘legs’ so it can spread to other websites? Is it embeddable? Do you want it to be?

Where is this all taking me? Initially, I'm seeking personal growth in both the tech of putting a podcast and media presence together, and in the community that this may engender. Eventually, who knows?


Minute Tech 019: How can I produce this video in Windows?

Now that you've shot that first video, and assuming you're still using Windows, how can you produce that digital footage? Various options are open to you: Adobe's video products, numerous lesser known 3rd-party options (just browse the shelves at CompUSA or some similar store) as well as Microsoft's built-in MovieMaker.

On today's Minute Tech, we discuss:

- Is the recent earthquake in San Francisco plate tectonics, or Apple's Leopard?
- How can I produce this video in Windows? Mark Dolgonos, Sr. Communications Coordinator at Orrick, gives us his report.
- Minute Tech is now in the iTunes catalog.

Go to my iWeb page to subscribe or listen to this podcast: Minute Tech.
