Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pghbloggers Blogfest 13 - Blog it, 'Cast it!

Hey, folks. Did the PghBlogggers Blogfest 13 at Finnegan's Wake in Pittsburgh's Northside this past Friday evening. A wet, slushy, sleety, blowy evening in Pittsburgh did nothing to dampen the spirits of the various bloggers and podcasters who showed up. A few of the cast:

Susan Courtad, of the One-Woman Show blog;
Dawn Papuga of Lyrique Tragedy Reviews;
Jim & Amy Shireman - Jim does Sportocracy podcast on Talkshoe;
Elwin Green of the Post-Gazette;
Karamagi Rujumba of the Post-Gazette;
Dayvoe of Two Political Junkies;
Bob from Masters of Gilligan;
Father Spoon;
Norm Heulsman of the new Strom Huelsman podcast;
Sickpuppy and Father Spoon of the Should I Drink That brewcast;
Cynthia and Brother Anthony Closkey of Big Big Design;
Mike Woycheck of Have a Good Sandwich blog;
...and many others.

Why weren't you there? Oh, yeah, the snow. :-)
check out for future events...and start blogging!



Woy said...

Alex - I saw you but we didn't even get a chance to chat! I wanted to talk about the new job and the podcasting stuff you hope to be doing. Hopefully we'll get to talk soon!

Rachel said...

This was only my second Blogfest, but man, I had a great time.

Anonymous said...

Alex, it was lovely to see you. I'm glad you made it, despite the snow.